The New Calvinism - O Novo Calvinismo

Em minha viagem aos EUA, nos dias 31 de março a 17 de abril de 2009, lendo a revista TIME, encontrei um artigo muito interessante sobre "10 ideias que estao mudando o mundo agora mesmo". Destas 10 mais uma fala sobre o O Novo Calvinismo, leia: The New Calvinism If you really want to follow the development of conservative Christianity, track its musical hits. In the early 1900s you might have heard "The Old Rugged Cross," a celebration of the atonement. By the 1980s you could have shared the Jesus-is-my-buddy intimacy of "Shine, Jesus, Shine." And today, more and more top songs feature a God who is very big, while we are...well, hark the David Crowder Band: "I am full of earth/ You are heaven's worth/ I am stained with dirt/ Prone to depravity." Calvinism is back, and not just musically. John Calvin's 16th century reply to medieval Catholicism's buy-your-way-out-of-purgatory excesses is Evangelicalism's latest success story, comple...